| watch in HD, if you can! ;) |
Hey, guys! :) The new episode of Supernatural was perfect. I loved it. *_______* It was great, heart-breaking, mind-blowing. Seriously! I loved the Megstiel couple (okay, killing me xDD), and i sorry, that Meg dead. AND DEAN/CASTIEL!! PERFECT! Jesus! I hate Naomi soo much. -.- Who is this bitch?! ....
Okay, I calmed down. Yesterday I made this video, but I could just upload. I think it was not bad. If you like it, please write comment and subscribe! Thank you so
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Apnea : First Impression An underwater stealth game that takes imersive in VR to a deeper level
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Graham Hancock: Consciousness and the Limits of the Materialist Paradigm
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Rusutsu SuperNatural - Salomon Freeski TV S8 E03
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maybe in another life
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