THE MAN WHO PREFERRED TO STAND (“l’Homme Qui Voulait Rester Debout“), is the first ever reconstruction of major pieces of ETIENNE DECROUX. The reconstruction and direction was done by the last assistants of Decroux, STEVEN WASSON and CORINNE SOUM for their company the THEATRE DE L’ANGE FOU. The pieces range from The Carpenter, 1931, to Decroux’s last works created on Soum and Wasson in 1983-84. This work took over a year to accomplish and was premiered in Philadelphia in April 1992. These excerpts are from a two month run at the Theatre le Ranelagh in Paris, 1994. THE MAN WHO PREFERRED TO STAND toured again to the states and throughout Europe. The last performance was in 2007 in Warsaw. This work is the basis of the Repertoire class taught at the Theatre de l’Ange Fou school, THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF CORPOREAL MIME in London.
Teatr Maly, Warsaw:
Steven Wasson, Corinne Soum, Kentaro Suyama, Jorge Bethencourt, Lionel Comellas, Tania Coke, Jeannette Downey, Pedro