In the early 1950s, a secret Nazi organisation in West Germany attempted to infiltrate political parties to establish some form of Fourth Reich, a successor to the defeated Third Reich. The organisation was called the Naumann Circle, and was the mastermind of the last Propaganda Minister Dr. Werner Naumann, who had escaped from Berlin in 1945 in the same group as Martin Bormann. Find out the story here...
Dr. Mark Felton FRHistS, FRSA is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers ’Zero Night’ and ’Castle of the Eagles’, both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at:
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Credits: US National Archives; Library of Congress; LNieminen; De-okin; ; Bundesarchiv
- James P. O’Donnell, The Berlin Bunker, (Dent: 1978)
- Hugh Thomas, Doppelgängers, (4th Estate: 1995)
- ’Nazi influence on Germany’s post-war government to be investigated’ by Caroline Mortimer, The Guardian, 27 November 2016
- ’53 EX-NAZIS HOLD BUNDESTAG SEATS; These Were Less the Choice of the West German People Than of the Parties,’ The New York Times, 9 May 1950
- Edwin Hartrich, ’Fourth and Richest Reich’, (MacMillan: 1980)
- Peter Longerich, ’Goebbels’, (Vintage: 2016)
- Mark Felton, ’Guarding Hitler’, (Pen & Sword: 2014)
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