Прослушай И Отгони Всё Зло, Ведьм, Темных Духов | Получи Целительную Энергию | Колокольный Звон

The bells are as ancient as the history of mankind itself. The bell has a truly magical healing effect. The ringing of the bell perfectly cures insomnia, as well as nervous irritability, all kinds of obsessive fears and unreasonable anxiety. Esotericists claim that the sound of bells reproduces in space the positive energy of green and white colors - the colors of love and purity. This special cosmoenergetic music splits low-vibration negative energies and promotes their withdrawal from the human biofield. After the first full listening, you will drive away all evil spirits, witches, the devil, protect yourself from the evil eye and adverse phenomena! And after 11 days of listening, you will be charged with powerful healing energy! Remember: ringing bells emit ultrasonic waves that inhibit the vital activity of many pathogenic microorganisms! The video uses: bell ringing, binaural rhythms, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations of the matter of the subtle world! ӿПрослушай И Отгони Всё Зло, Ведьм, Темных Духов | Получи Целительную Энергию | Колокольный Звон
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