Glow & Go Bot

Meet our multi-sensory, rechargeable robot which will captivate young children’s interest as they plan its illuminated movements and adventures, whilst laying firm technological foundation skills. This highly interactive, engaging robot has simple, clear and literal controls that, when pressed, are tactile, colourful, illuminated and create sounds, enabling the child to make key connections about cause and effect. You can switch it to different settings, removing the sound effects. You can have it on dance mode where the children can move about, mimicking the robot’s actions. It can be limited to simple movements or to a string of ten commands. A charming, magical character, who merges awe and wonder with technology, as well as relating to children’s natural sense of curiosity. What will they discover as they explore the possibilities? What happens in the different modes? Will it go forwards, backwards, sideways, or rotate? The children can speculate, test and evaluate how to get it to a specific destination
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