LUNA SEA「IN FUTURE」 復活祭 -A NEW VOICE- Day2 “Naked Voice

RYUICHI had to take a temporary break, after the February performance in Osaka ending their “CROSS THE UNIVERSE“ tour. He underwent a necessary surgery to remove polyps on his vocal cords and made a successful comeback during the two days oneman live ”Resurrection -A NEW VOICE-” on August 26th and 27th 2022. A live performance of “IN FUTURE”, recorded during the Resurrection -A NEW VOICE- Day2 “Naked Voice”, is now available on YouTube. “IN FUTURE” is a song from their 4th Album named “MOTHER”, which became their breakthrough in 1994. “MOTHER” was their first album to reach No.2 in the Oricon ranking charts. RYUICHIの喉に出来た静脈瘤除去手術のため2月に行われた全国ツアー「CROSS THE UNIVERSE」大阪公演をもって一時休止していたが、本公演、2022年8月26日、27日に東京・日本武道館にて行ったワンマンライブ「復活祭 -A NEW VOICE-」でカムバック。 復活祭 -A NEW VOICE- Day2 “Naked Voice”公演の中から「IN FUTURE」のライヴパフォーマンス映像を公開。 「IN FUTURE」は、1994年に大ブレイクした4thアルバム『MOTHER』に収録。 アルバム『MOTHER』は、オリジナルコンフィデンス初登場2位を記録。
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