“A Minor Melancholy“ Chet Atkins-y style Harmonica with Sandy Weltman
Howdy Folks- Here’s a tune I wrote this past year thats slowly becoming one of my favorite compositions in a long time. I keep whistling it throughout the day. It’s a Chet Akins-ish sort of a vibe. If Chet had played the harmonica, I’d like to think that this is the kind of stuff he might have played or written…( only maybe a zillion times better…lol). Hope you enjoy “ A Minor Melancholy”
For you harmonicats out there, I’m playing this in 4th position, a highly underrated position. 4th position doesn’t work well for everything, but when it does, it’s super sweet… I’m on an A ( Hohner Marine Band Deluxe) harp playing in F#minor. Also using the fabulous Roly Platt harmonica mute.
Also, for those interested, I’m teaching again this year at the Midwest Ukulele and Harmonica Camp this coming July. It’s always a great time. Come on down.
Sandy Weltman - instructor at The Tomlin Harmonica School