From 9/11 to Covid: Understanding Contemporary Global Power Elite Agendas | Dr. Piers Robinson

On May 19, 2024, the International Center for 9/11 Justice together with UK Column held the online symposium From ‘National Security’ to ‘Biosecurity’ to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the passing of the late Graeme MacQueen, a founding member of the Center. The goal of the symposium was to explore the parallels and connections between 9/11 and Covid — viewing them as “structural deep events” carried out to further elite political and economic agendas — and to build stronger ties between the communities of dissidents challenging them. Each of the four featured speakers — Dr. Niels Harrit, Dr. Piers Robinson, Madhava Setty, MD, and Meryl Nass, MD — offered illuminating insights and analyses that drew from their respective areas of expertise and research into 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and Covid. The combined effect of their talks was to make a compelling case that the 9/11 and Covid events, at a minimum, possessed the same essential features and employed the same mechanisms o
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