Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (1835 - 1921)
Le Carnaval des Animaux (1886) - (The Carnival of the Animals)
I. Introduction et marche royale du Lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion)
II. Poules et Coqs (Hens and Cocks) 1:55
III. Hémiones (animaux véloces) (Wild Asses) 2:38
IV. Tortues (Tortoises) 3:24
V. L’Éléphant (The Elephant) 5:01
VI. Kangourous (Kangaroos) 6:24
VII. Aquarium 7:21
VIII. Personnages à longues oreilles (Personages with Long Ears) 9:33
IX. Le coucou au fond des bois (The Cuckoo in t
8 years ago 00:09:11 337
Camille Saint-Saëns - Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. Nikita Zimin