Idolatry - Spiritual States with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Michael Sanilevich discuss idolatry in this episode of Spiritual States. Why is faith a characteristic of developed organisms? What does faith signify in the person? Why is it natural to respect and bow to something outside of us? What is idolatry? Why do we need amulets and idols? What is the significance of Abraham? Are we all idolaters? Why is becoming like the Creator not considered idolatry? Is following the instructions of a teacher idolatry? What is scientific idolatry? What is the most obvious idolatry? Why is believing in ourselves or in another person considered idolatry? When does idolatry stop? What is considered idolatry in relation to the Creator? Is bowing to our ego idolatry? What does it mean that if we accept something existing in and of itself is idolatry? What and how should we ask from the Creator when we face problems? How can I free myself from troubles? How can I approach wanting to become similar to the Creator in a way that it will not become
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