One Hour of Music - League of Communists of Yugoslavia

0:00 Steg Partije - Banner of the Party (Serbo-Croatian) 2:23 Zastava Partije - Banner of the Party (Slovenian) 4:19 To je Pesma Komunista - It’s the Song of the Communists (Serbo-Croatian) 7:10 Partijo - Party (Serbo-Croatian) 10:12 Nek nam živi nek nam jača - Let us live, let us be strong (Serbo-Croatian) 12:36 Партијо, славо наша - Party, our glory (Macedonian) 14:44 Pártunk az élen - Our Party is in the lead (Hungarian) 17:03 S Imenom Tvojim - With Your Name (Serbo-Croatian) 19:25 Poruka Partije - The message of the Party (Serbo-Croatian) 22:36 Parti - Party (Albanian) 25:15 Партијо наша - Our Party (Macedonian) 27:55 Neka Kongres to zapiše - Let the Congress write it down (Serbo-Croatian) 29:49 Kompartijo - Communist Party (Serbo-Croatian) 32:31 О Партијо наша создателко смела - O Party our bold creator (Macedonian) 35:22 Za Kongres Partije - For the Party Congress (Serbo-Croatian) 38:16 Pozdrav Partiji - Greetings to the Party (Slovenian) 41:05 Pod stijegom crvenim - Under the red banner (Serbo-Croatian) 45:42 Kompartijo, zlato moje - Communist Party, my dear (Serbo-Croatian) 48:12 Partiji za rođendan - Anniversary of the Party (Serbo-Croatian) 51:37 Kolijevko Slavnoga SKOJ-a - Cradle of the Glorious SKOJ (Serbo-Croatian) 54:15 Partijo Majko - Mother Party (Serbo-Croatian) 56:21 Veliki Ukaz - Great Command (Slovenian) 58:34 Partijo Slavna - Glorious Party (Serbo-Croatian)
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