TF2 crew sings the opening theme to MLP:FiM

This is what happens when I have WAY too much time on my hands. =====LYRICS===== [Heavy Sparkle] My little pony, my little pony. HAAAAAARRRRRRGGHHHH Maaaaiiii.... (my little pony) I ushed to wonder WAT friendship could BE (My little pony) Until you all shared DISPENSURR with me [Rainbow Scout] Big adventures [Pinkie Pyro] *humff humff humff* (tons of fun) [Spyrity] A beautiful heart [AppleEngie] Faithful and strong [Fluttermedic] Sharing kindness [Heavy Sparkle] Iz an easy feat And sandvich makes eet ALL complete! You have maaiiiiiiii.... (my little pony) Do you know you’re ALL my very best FRIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNDS.
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