Eka Ganapati (with lyrics)

By Rajiv Bhagadthey. Please select English subtitle for lyrics. Ek Ganapati Ek Isaa, Dono Ne Aadi Maa Ko Dhyaayaa Antar Kya Dono Ki Shakti Mein Bolo Ek Gauri Ke Dulare Ek Radhaji Ke Pyaare One is Ganapati One is Jesus Christ, both meditate on the primordial mother So tell, what is the difference in the Powers that support them One is the darling child of Gauri, the other is the beloved son of Radhaji Ganapati Toh Hai Mooladhaari, Isaa Hai Vishwadhaari Ganesha Abodhita Ki Hai Surat, Isaa Kshama Ki Murat E
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