The Hive - Erik Griswold - Easter at The Piano Mill 2019

The Hive features all the pianos of The Mill playing a looping arpeggio, each slightly out of sync with each other. Blurred rhythms, micro-tunings, and subtle differences in timbre cobine to produce an other-worldly moiré effect. It was composed for the original launch of The Piano MIll in 2016, and has been played every Easter since. Here the experience is captured brilliantly by Greg Harm with the use of two 360 degree cameras, showing all of the swirling action inside the mill. Easter at The Piano Mill is an annual Easter Sunday sonic adventure combining music, architecture and environment. This unique experience allows listeners to wander through the forest, among various concert stages and venues, choosing their own listening adventure. The event culminates in a performance of The Piano Mill, a fantastical steam-punk tower in the forest, housing 16 reclaimed pianos. Since 2016, the event has been curated by Clocked Out and produced by Bruce and Jocelyn Wolfe.
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