Альбом фотографических снимков зданий
Императорского Казанского Университета
Album of photographic pictures of buildings of
The Imperial Kazan University
Russian Dance arrangement from the ballet “Swan Lake“ by P. Tchaikovsky. Played here on the Domra by Vyacheslav Kruglov
Kazan University is one of the oldest Universities, outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The University was founded in 1804 by Emperor Alexander I following his signing of the Certificate of Accord.....
According to this Statute, the university had to have four departments: moral and political sciences, physical and mathematical, medical or medical, and verbal sciences with the Department of Oriental Languages, as well as 28 professors, 12 adjuncts, 3 lecturers and 3 teachers of “pleasant arts“!
The construction of the main University building was begun in 1825and completed in the 1830s housing, amongst others, a library, chemical laboratory, anatomical theatre and an astronomical 1863, following the statue of Emperor Alexander II, the following faculties were established - historical-philological, physical and mathematical, Legal and the Kazan Linguistics School established at the University by 1883...
In 1862, the university established a midwifery, which in 1893 numbered 57 students........