Guide to the Outer Planes | D&D Planescape

The Planescape campaign setting is a big place. Not only is the Prime Material Plane basically infinite, but so too are the Outer Planes. If you’re looking to get a primer on what the deal is with the Outer Planes, then this is a good place to start. I hope you enjoy lots of made up words, details about fictional worlds, and pictures of fantasy landscapes. 0:00 The Types of Planes 2:27 An Overview of the Outer Planes 8:07 The Outer Planes 8:58 Elysium 9:50 Bytopia 10:40 Mount Celestia 12:37 Arcadia 14:39 A Bit About Modrons 15:46 Mechanus 16:43 Acheron 18:01 Baator 20:10 The Blood War 21:11 Gehenna 22:16 The Gray Waste 24:31 Carceri 25:44 The Abyss 27:12 Pandemonium 28:08 Limbo 29:03 Ysgard 30:26 Arborea 31:35 The Beastlands 32:30 The Outlands 34:37 End A few sources: Inner Planes: Outer Planes:
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