’ Pyatigorsk XI-th International Youth Piano Competition n.a. II-nd round
Alexandra Dovgan’ (7 y.o.) Pyatigorsk XI-th International Youth Piano Competition named after 1-st Prize Winner
II-nd round
P. Tchaikovsky 7 pieces from Children’s Album, :
- Russian Song
- The Peasant Plays his Accordion
- Folksong (’Kamarinskaya’)
- The Hobby-Horse
- Sweet Dreams
- The Old Nurse’s Tale
- The Witch (Baba-Yaga)
Nocturne No. 20 cis-moll Op. posthume
Александра Довгань (7 лет) Пятигорск XI конкурс им. В.И. Сафонова Лауреат 1-й премии
II-й тур