Leopold Godowsky ‒ Java Suite

Leopold Godowsky (1870 - 1938), Java Suite (1924 - 1925) Performed by Esther Budiardjo (2000) 00:00 - No. 1 Gamelan 03:40 - No. 2 Wayang-Purwa, Puppet Shadow Plays 07:30 - No. 3 Hari Besaar, The Great Day 12:33 - No. 4 Chattering Monkeys at the Sacred Lake of Wendit 14:35 - No. 5 Boro Buudur in Moonlight 18:50 - No. 6 The Bromo Volcano and the Sand Sea at Daybreak 22:32 - No. 7 3 Dances 28:22 - No. 8 The Gardens of Buitenzorg 32:26 - No. 9 In the Streets of Old Batavia 36:17 - No. 10 In the Kraton 42:46 - No. 11 The Ruined Water Castle at Djokja 48:00 - No. 12 A Court Pageant in Solo Godowsky published his Java Suite in New York in 1925 under the title Phonoramas: Tonal Journeys for the Pianoforte, dedicating it to his friend J. Campbell Phillips. In his introduction to the whole work Godowsky explains his admiration for the ancient culture and native music of the Javanese, pointing out that the latter is all in duple or quadruple time, the counterpart of his Walzermasken and Triakontameron, which are all
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