Традиционный мексиканский дом с центральным двором, служащим внутренним садом
House located in Zapovan, Mexico, designed by CDM Casas de Mexico.
The project is an interpretation of a retirement home within the city, which works as a shelter from the everyday routine. The concept is based on traditional Mexican homes where a central patio fulfills the function of an interior garden, a foyer, and circulatory nucleus around which the program is developed and lived.
Schematically, the floor plan is organized in a square with a visual and central axis consolidated through the patio, which in turns communicates and separates private areas from social areas, allowing a seamless interaction between the interior and the exterior. The spatial layout emphasizes the role of visual fames and different ceiling heights filled with warm colors; the goal was to achieve diverse sensations according to the specific requirements and activities developed in each space.
The design develops in three levels to fulfill the needs of a family of 5 members. The basement contains the service