2013 RAP lyrics “2020 combined with Coronavirus bodies stacking“
I find it extremely interesting that occultist Aleister Crowley died aged 72 on December 1st,1947. 72 years later on the same day was when the first patient was diagnosed with the Coronavirus December 1st, 2019.
How many miles to Babylon?
A letter from Aleister Crowley, written on the day of a lunar eclipse and the day Donald Trump was born.
Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry
It is not good talking about Frater 210 (Jack Parsons) coming over. He has got under the influence of a person whom I believe to be an ordinary Con Man (L Ron Hubbard founder of Scientology); at any rate he is acting quite insanely, and as far as I can see, both deceitfully and dishonourably. I am still waiting to hear whether the adverb “dishonestly” should not be added to thi