6 Minute 6 Pack Workout! Hardcore Ab Workout!

Follow me on Instagram for more workouts and health and wellness tips! jenna_kulacz Want to LEVEL UP this ab workout??!! CLICK HERE: KILLER HIIT WORKOUT FOR FAT-BURNING, CARDIO, AND TONING: workout starts at 2:50 * A lot of this ab routine is inspired from and came from the incredible Suzi Taylor, the queen of lyrical dance! I added some extra exercises and a burnout section to the end to really recruit those abdominal muscles. This is my daily ab workout that will leave you sweating and feeling accomplished! This routine is definitely not easy, but it will really work those abdominals and if you do it often enough, you’ll get that flat, toned stomach you have always wanted! If you can’t make it through the entire routine, that is 100% okay, as this is definitely not a beginner routine. Just do what you can and work up to it! A great goal if you can'
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