Seb Takes On The Technical Masterpiece That Is Cimaï | Seb Bouin’s Vintage Rock Tour Ep.6

Seb Bouin, one of the world’s strongest climbers, gets a technical lesson when he visits Cimaï, a technical masterpiece of 8a and 8b routes, near to Toulon on the south coast of France. Pscyhed for Sport Climbing? Get down to the EpicTV Shop for All Your Latest Gear: In the latest of the Vintage Rock Tour, Seb heads to Cimaï, a classic crag near to another classic crag at Buoux. Cimaï hosts a number of routes that are burned into the etches of french climbing history, specifically, Samizdat, which was the location for what is considered to be the world’s first onsight of a 8a by Antoine Le Menestrel in 1987, and Lynn Hill’s redpoint of Masse Critique, the first time a women had climbed an 8b . Seb is sure to find some challenges here... Fancy a pair of EB Climbing Shoes?: Check us out on instagram: @epictvclimbing: @sebouin: Seb Takes On The Technical Masterpiece That Is Cimaï | Seb Bouin’s Vintage Rock Tour Ep.6
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