The Incredible Second Coming of Jesus Christ! End Time Prophecy

This is the incredible second coming of Jesus Christ. End Times Prophecy will be fullfilled soon. Thus say the Lord: The Law Jesus Christ Executes the judgment written in Deuteronomy 28 upon governments and World leaders. You have followed Satan and his host to repudiate the Ten Commandments and Absolute Divinity of Jesus Christ, and now your house is left unto you desolate. You have oppressed the poor of earth; cast out widows from their homes; deprived orphans of their inheritance, and murdered the elderly, and now your house is left unto you desolate. You have promoted worship of devils and immoral sexual unions, and now your house is left unto you desolate. The days of your leadership is numbered, for Jesus shall take away your dominion, and give it to the Body of Christ. The End Time Prophecy to World Leaders. Thus say the Lord: For material gain, you have conspired to fight against Jesus of Nazareth and His Body the Church to establish in the earth, the
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