What Happens to the World if BRICS Stop Using the Dollar?

Join us for an incisive live discussion titled “What Happens to the World if BRICS Stop Using the Dollar?“, where our distinguished guests delve into the potential ramifications of a major economic shift. The BRICS bloc has long been a significant player in global economics, and their possible move away from the US dollar as a reserve currency could have profound impacts on international trade, geopolitics, and financial markets. 🔑 Key Expert Insights: ✅ Rhod McKenzie: A seasoned analyst from @SCOBRICSInsight Rhod brings his expertise in geopolitics and global finance to dissect the strategic implications of dedollarization. His analysis will explore how changes in reserve currency status could affect everything from the US bond market to international economic policies. ✅ Fabio Bonciani (Megas Alexandros): With over 15 years of study in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and collaborations with MMT founder Warren Mosler, Fabio offers deep insights into how economic po
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