Shoes for Beau

Beau couldn’t get size 58 in New Zealand so I would see if it would work in the Netherlands, and sure enough, I could get 2nd hand from someone in Castricum. Martin Ottow is his real name and he lives in Levin, and I don’t know if he still does, because the last time I had contact with his sister was a few accounts back from Facebook. And learned he had cancer and I called Martin again and was told he was not in the best shape. Mark Zuckerberg seems to have a problem with our Dutch traditions, especially Sinterklaas regarding our Piet, but Mark is a member of the Illuminati who are known to hang a Negro on a cross at gatherings and then burn him alive. Why is the pot calling the kettle black? Anyway Beau no longer had to wear slippers or anything like that and was very happy with his sailing boats as my neighbor Ebel called his shoes
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