Felix Pastorius/Julius Pastorius/ Santacruz-Elx Jazz Festival 2019

Concert at the Altamira Palace (Elx)/ July 5, 2019. Felix Pastorius: Bass/ Julius Pastorius: Drums/ Santacruz: Soprano sax. (1) LIBERTY CITY (JACO PASTORIUS) (2) THREE VIEWS OF A SECRET ( JACO PASTORIUS) 0´ (3)FANNIE MAE ( BUSTER BROWN)0´ /With Saray Melo: Voice and Joaquín Paredes: Tenor Sax. (4) (FELIX PASTORIUS SOLO)0´ (5) HAVONA(JACO PASTORIUS) and BLACK MARKET( JOE ZAWINUL)0´ (6 TEEN TOWN (JACO PASTORIUS)0´ (7)CHICKEN ( PEE WEE ELLIS)11´ /With Saray Melo: Voice
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