SPOILERS WARNING! | watch in HD pls;;
I think the hardest thing about this was finding a title... xD I just was editing, almost forgot it’s NejiTen and ended up making it more like a tribute video to Tenten’s life. You can decide yourself if it’s a Team Guy tribute or if it’s about what ever Neji and Tenten connects.
I really can’t even decide myself. Just re-watching those episodes I used made me kinda emotional. Team Guy can’t compare to any other.. I just imaged Sakura beeing in Tentens position. Narut
9 years ago 00:02:48 14
[FBS] “I’m home!“♥
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TV15 | 1/4 | Зверев М. - Аверьянов В. | Чемпионат России 2022 | Динамичная пирамида
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Одноэтажный дом из газобетона 110 кв. м. С цокольным этажом из ФБС блоков и верандой
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