美食台 | 吃肉會膩是偏見,不服來試這道菜!

糖醋味的菜餚,在馬上到來的夏季將非常受歡迎,比如糖醋小排、糖醋丸子、糖醋帶魚,對廣東人來說最中意的當然是鳳梨咕咾肉。酸酸甜甜的鳳梨既開胃又清甜,搭配炸製酥脆的里肌,以茄汁調味,酸甜可口,色香味俱全! Sweet and sour dishes hit all the right note in the upcoming summer, such as sweet and sour spare ribs, sweet and sour meatballs, sweet and sour largehead hairtails, and for Cantonese the winner is always sweet and sour pork with pineapples. Appetizing pineapples coupled with very crisp deep-fried pork loin, seasoned with tomato sauce. It’s almost addictive stuff!
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