Shenandoah Violin Solo - Mairead Nesbitt

Shenandoah - played by Mairead Nesbitt in HD with stunning sound quality. One of America’s most popular folk songs, is known as a “short haul shanty“ and is said to be the true story of a white trader who courted the daughter of an Indian chieftain. The song apparently originated among American or Canadian voyagers on the Missouri River - sometimes called the “Miz-zoo“. SHENANDOAH The old Miz-zoo has friendly waters Away! You rolling river The Indians camp along its border Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. A white man loved an Indian lady Away! You rolling river The daughter of Chief Shenandoah Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you Away! You rolling river Oh Shenandoah, I long to hear you Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter Away! You rolling river I bring you tools and fire water Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. ’Tis seven years since first I knew her Away! You rolling river She’s in full bloom for a man to woo her Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. Oh Shenandoah, with gifts I’m laden Away! You rolling river Give me the hand of this young maiden Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. Then Shenandoah said - Go! Forsake her! Away! You rolling river An Indian brave has come to take her Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri. Farewell, my love - I’m bound to leave you Away! You rolling river Oh Shenandoah, I’ll not deceive you Away! We’re bound away ’Cross the wide Missouri.
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