taking over me | doctor&master

WARNING: This video has tons of flash and at times, quick scene changes, so those of you who are affected or bothered easily by flashing lights, please don’t watch unless you feel you can handle it. ^^ Thanks~! Okie, I couldn’t wait to do a Master/Doctor vid with all these little clips coming out, so I had to do this before X-mas. ;D This is like a prelude to the End Of Time, if you will. I wanted to focus on the similarities between the Doctor and the Master, the last two remaining traces of an ancient race called the “Timelords“; At first, the Doctor is known to be the only survivor of the epic Time War, the last, final battle of time. But then he is given a message through the Face of Boe, “You are not alone“, predicting the Master’s return. It all just goes from there. The Master, disguised as a human and having lost his memories regaining them, the complete return, the Doctor wanting to stay with the Master, the struggle involved, and the despair the
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