Ford Focus TDCi Rear Bumper small damage renovate
Ford Focus TDCi Rear Bumper small damage renovate © Vozila Estetika Bip Memo X
00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:04 Detecting damages
00:00:13 Paint match(Search)
00:00:26 Cleaning the surface
00:01:02 Sanding the surface
00:01:54 Body Filler Apply (Plastic Filler)
00:02:51 Surface after sanding the filler
00:03:08 Filler (Body) again
00:03:15 Surface prepared for apply the primmer
00:03:21 Primmer paint apply
00:03:43 Surface After the final stage paint
00:04:10 The Finished job
on this channel you will see Do It Yourself aesthetic repairs of vehicles and other objects
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Best Regards,
Vozila Estetika Bip Memo X
( Vehicle Aesthetics Bip MemoX )
Vozila Estetika i Kozmetika Bip Memo X
(Vehicle Aesthetics and Cosmetics Bip Memo X)