ASMR Hand Sounds [Dry Skin, No Talking]

#ASMRhandsounds #ASMRskinsounds #ASMRintense INTENSE & FAST hand sounds is my personal favorite #ASMR trigger and I wanted to give it to you the way I prefer it: no finger fluttering, no playing around - straight forward, rich and intense skin sounds. Hope you’ll enjoy =) #ASMRintensehandsounds #ASMRfastskinsounds #ASMRintenseskinsounds #АСМР #АСМРзвукирук #АСМРзвукикожи #ASMRcommunity #ASMRmale #tascam #notalking #асмрбезслов #thatlittlenik #тотмаленькийник #thatlittleasmr #thatcheekypinky ######## Instagram: twitter: Facebook: ВКонтакте: Pinky’s Instagram: Pinky’s twitter: Pink...y’s Facebook: Pinky’s TikTok: @thatcheekypinky
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