Russian Helicopter Detected US Nuclear Sub On The North Pole After Emergency Exit To The Ice Surface

Odo Puiu Events invites you to watch a …. Russian Helicopter Detected US Submarine On The North Pole, After Emergency Exit To The Ice Surface. In a location keept secret by the Russian Federation, a surveillance helicopter of the Russian Army has detected and identified an US Submarine, after it has emergency-surfaced above the ice caps of the North Pole. The russian helicopter flew over the submarine; it showed no signs of life. Rumor has it that a Russian jet had just passed by using electronic weaponry. The same as they done to two US ships. #RussianNavy, #AmericaRussia, #NuclearSubmarines, #ssn22 SOURCE: SOURCE: SOURCE: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia SOURCE: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / Credit to Russian MoD MUSIC SOURCE: Audio Library YouTube ✅ Video/Thumbnail Picture Just For Illustration - None
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