गन्धर्व वेद Bachu Khan - Loomba

From Thar Desert region comes unique caste of musicians, Langas, whose main profession was to sing and dance for their patrons. Bachu Khan’s father performed yet for the Royal family of Jodhpur — Rathore Gharana. With the end of royalty state function of Langas, their music started to flourish during all occasions including weddings, births, engagements and festivals. According to the Darbari (royal) tradition of several centuries, Langas still sing love songs in their mother tongue, Marwari, depicting one’s longing for the lover, joy of reunion and hopes that lovers put in the future. Instruments in use are Sarangi (string instrument), Murli and Algoza (woodwind instruments), Morchang (Jewish harp) and Khartal (wooden castanet).
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