The Moody Blues: The Word | OM

Music by the Moody Blues This garden universe vibrates complete. Some we get a sound so sweet. Vibrations reach on up to become light, And then thru gamma, out of sight. Between the eyes and ears there lay, The sounds of colour and the light of a sigh. And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe. But it’s all around if we could but perceive. To know ultra-violet, infra-red and X-rays, Beauty to find in so many ways. Two notes of the chord, that’s our fluoroscope. But to reach the chord is our lifes hope. And to name the chord is important to some. So they give a word, and the word is OM. “Om“ is a 1968 tune by the British progressive rock band The Moody Blues. It was composed by the band’s keyboardist Mike Pinder. “Om“ has a heavy Indian influence and sound to it. “Om,“ which is chanted repeatedly all through the song, represents Aum, a sacred mantra within the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religions. The rain is on the roof Hurry high butterfly As clouds roll past my head I know why the skies all cry OM, OM, Heaven, OM The Earth turns slowly round Far away the distant sound Is with us everyday Can you hear what it say OM, OM, Heaven, OM The rain is on the roof Hurry high butterfly As clouds roll past my head I know why the skys all cry OM, OM, Heaven, OM
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