Make a Self Binding Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

NOTE: At 05:12, the measurement marked should be 1/4“. Shop Self Binding Quilt supplies here: Get the free PDF printable here: Jenny demonstrates how to make a quick and easy Self-Binding Quilt using 2.5 inch strips of precut fabric (jelly roll). For this project, Jenny chose the “Cottage Bleu“ Jelly Roll by Robin Pickens for Moda Fabrics. Note: The backing of this quilt needs to be 10 inches larger than the top. Jenny chose to create a classic Fence Rail quilt top with jelly roll strip sets and even quilted the top before adding the backing, but this technique can be used to add a self binding backing to any quilt! Get the supplies needed to make this project by clicking the link below: 00:00 We’re self-binding a full-size quilt! 00:58 Supplies to make the Fence Rail 01:11 Quic
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