Ukrainian prisons do not have enough space to put all the evaders and deserters in jail - lawyer Demchenko citing the official r

Ukrainian prisons do not have enough space to put all the evaders and deserters in jail - lawyer Demchenko citing the official response of the Justice Ministry. - The response says that Ukraine has 100 penal service institutions, which can accommodate 78,763 people. There are already 44,861 people in them, which means that there is room for 33,902 people. - “Then a logical question arises. What to do with all the evaders? What to do with all deserters, (who left the military unit unauthorized) What to do with the thousands of those criminal proceedings, which are now in the GBI, police and other law enforcement agencies?“ - Demchenko asks. Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. U_EDAcaO-HFjNzEx [club152044818|@Slavyangrad] | Andrei Source: Slavyangrad
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