RIOT | Multifandom [birthday collab]

Well, I’m turning 22 today and I feel as old as the hills but this video is the only thing that can make me feel young and wild at least for 1 minute 47 seconds. xD Hosting collabs with Undead’s songs for my birthday is my new tradition and this time the final result has exceeded all my expectations and I want to thank everyone who took part in it. Thank you soooo much for turning perfection into a motion, my dears! Love y’all ♥ This collab woudn’t be so epic and badass without these wonderful human beings, so feel free to subscribe to them if you haven’t done it yet: shakugan: Strix: NiceSinner: tediadem: lightningxdisaster: mysteriousxdarkness: Kitty Kat: htt
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