Maria Daines ~ Devil’s Ghost

‘Devil’s Ghost’ I take my hat off to yah You sure come close Flying on the wind Rocking coast to coast Ain’t nobody push you round Nobody put you down Riding with the devil’s ghost Yah pull no punches, ain’t your way Bare-knuckle bruises n’ a hideaway Engine growls into yesterday Had your fill in the burning hay Ripped up this city, blew the town Here, there, lock, stock n’ gone In a showdown An army fighting on your own Down to the metal in your bones Broken fingers wearing copper rings Smoke n’ fire burn your dirty sins Nobody sees you come or go Eyes so dark they hide the soul Riding with the devil’s ghost I take my hat off to yah Well you sure come close Flying on the wind, yeah Rocking coast to coast Ain’t nobody push you round Nobody put you down Riding with the devil’s ghost Hell yeah, riding with the devil’s ghost, yeah Ooh yeah, nobody sees you come or go
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