How anger, faith and conspiracy theories fuelled the trucker convoy - The Fifth Estate

Our investigation reveals how months of planning drew convoys to Canada’s capital, leading to an unprecedented weeks-long occupation of some streets around Parliament Hill. It spawned spinoff protests across the country and around the world. The protests were ostensibly about a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truckers, but 90 per cent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. The movement drew other actors with goals far beyond vaccine mandates and links to hate groups and white supremacists. Host Gillian Findlay talks to the early organizers of the Freedom Convoy, including Pat King. Organizers first attempted a protest like this back in 2019. We ask what they thought would happen and why police and politicians were both seemingly unaware and unable to maintain control. #FreedomConvoy #Canada #CBCFifthEstate producer/directors LINDA GUERRIERO SCOTT ANDERSON
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