I, Pet Goat IV | I Pet Goat 4 | Seymour Studios

I, Pet Goat IV | I Pet Goat 4 | Seymour Studios #Seymour_Studios After 2019 year started COVİD-19 and started I Pet Goat III by Seymour Studios. This film is about the future domination of Islam over the whole world. About the third world war that will take place in the world. The Green Man is a symbolic savior here 2021 year I created I Pet Goat 4. I Pet Goat 4 inform about globalists, zionism, viruses, climate, global warming, genetic changes and satans.(Rothschild family, Rockefeller family) Also The Green Man is a symbolic savior here WE WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING WE WILL CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES WE WILL CHANGE THE GENETICS OF HUMAN LIKE IN THE FIRST GARDEN THIS TREE IS OUR LINEAGE WE WILL CHANGING THE CLIMATE WE ARE CREATING A FALSE GLOBAL WARMING LIKE THE WE CREATED (COVID-19) THE VIRUS ROTHSCHILD TELL THE BILL GATES PREPARE THE PEOPLE ROCKEFELLER YOU CONTROL THE MEDIA THIS IS GLOBAL WARMING ALL LIVING THINGS CAN DIE GOD H
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