Omicron Deaths - A Surprising Number

Access to all of Chris’s content, live webinars, interviews and personal updates, and much much more is available to our paying members. Click this link for access to part II of this report Various world leaders, mainstream press outlets, and pharma companies are working hard to whip up fear and anxiety about omicron. Are those negative emotions deserved? No, not in the slightest. Omicron spells the end of the Covid misadventure. At least that’s what the data suggests at this time. That’s great news. For you and me. Not so much for power and money-conflicted corporations and politicians who are rather attached to Covid being an endless and mind-numbingly expensive affair. Omicron is explosively transmissive, that is quite true, but it is also incredibly mild compared to past variants of concern. For most people it’s barely a cold, if that. Sniffles, a headache, and some tiredness. True, a very small percentage of
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