Retro Title Animation | After Effects Tutorial

In this After Effects tutorial, I’ll show you how to animate this retro title animation. A combination of a few shapes and standard effects. Including a subtle scribble effect. Domestika animation Courses: ► ► Use the code MANUEL_DOES_MOTION-10 for an extra 10% off of courses! ► Download the project file FOR FREE here: Content: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Setting up the comps 1:02 Animating the big letter 3:10 Motion Design for Social Media 3:42 Adding a scribble effect 4:30 Animating the transition part 6:04 Animating the second part 8:19 Animating the ending 8:50 Outro Some of these links are affiliate links. By purchasing through this link I earn some money at NO extra cost to you. It’s a Great way to support my channel! Thanks! ► Software: Adobe After Effects 22 (I use the “Default“ Workspace in my tutorials) ► I use music from @artlist: ► I use footage f
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