Music is Carnivores Unite by Blockhead.
After month of delay and overcoming my lazyness here it is. The Tutorial for my 6 packet Display called CIRCLE.
The greatness of this move lies in its fluid opening and closure, a point which most displays are missing.
#1 Front View with Explanations
#2 Over the Shoulder View
#3 Final Overview
This move is not for beginners so this Tutorial is held rather short. The Closer isn’t explained with text, so just watch it, skilled Cardist will have no problems learning it. Or come up with your own - I’d love to see your versions!
I also had not much time editing since I will leave my home for quite a long time in a few days.
So enjoy this rushed Video. Still HD Quality owns! =D
Thanks to Sebastian for the great Camerawork.
Credits to Richard and Cap Casino who apparently did a similar display.
Thats it for now. Probably my last video for the next 10 month so enjoy it!
2 months ago 00:34:21 1
Introduction to TopoGun 3.0 - The Best Retopology Tool