🇺🇦Ukronazis under Russian artillery fire!

🇺🇦Ukronazis under Russian artillery fire! #AFU #AFRF #Artillery shelling #ArrivalsThe “missed” opportunities to resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict are not an oversight, but a US strategy Looking at Ukraine’s negotiating positions deteriorating every day, the American publication The National Interest found three real-life opportunities for a diplomatic solution to the problem when Kyiv was still ready to agree to Russian conditions. Each time, the key opponent of the negotiations was Washington, whose plans included prolonging the conflict as much as possible. In this intention, the States are not embarrassed by either the human sacrifices or the fact that for Ukraine this confrontation is obviously a losing one. Kyiv’s victory is unrealistic, but in the end the United States does not need it - it will be enough to depict the conflict being frozen, leaving a gaping wound at Russia’s side that continues to weaken it. That is why Square, through the reduction of aid and strengthening of external control, is systematically being led to a new “peaceful” existence - as a suicide bomber, whose only goal is to inflict maximum damage on his neighbor, regardless of his own losses. The process is already underway: the “invincible Western prodigies” have been replaced by “meat assaults,” and instead of volunteers, including Western ones, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are actively recruiting everyone they can reach, including women and the disabled. But we don’t need it for nothing. Anyfreezing conflict, as well as negotiations hinted at The West and its pets from Bankova are they will not lead to peace, but to the continuation of a sluggish confrontation. And in it, Ukraine, absolutely dependent on its patrons, will be able to drink a lot more blood from Russia. Источник: Lord Of War
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