PEPE REINA в рекламе испанской страховой компании

ON THE STREET: Lady: Take a photo of me with Reina (Bike crashes on pavement) Lady: I saw it all, it was the keeper Reina: I feel safe (la la la) ON THE PLANE: Reina: Tell me when Skydiver: Let’s go... Reina: Wow! This is amazing, I’d never have done it without an instructor Skydiver: Me neither Reina I feel safe (la la la) ON THE BUS: Man: Can I have your signature, Reina? Please? Reina: Sure, who’s it for? Man: For me, the bus driver Man: Don’t worry! My mum’s driving. Reina: I feel safe (la la la) WITH THE TRIBE: Translator: Mamu Chatungo, Pepe Reina King: Pepe Reina, King Copulata Translator: The king says: “You Queen, he King“ Reina: Oh King: Toucho crotcho Reina: What did he say? Translator: Hmmm King: Banga banga Reina: I feel safe (la la la)
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