Song For The Unification Of Europe-Zbigniew Preisner “Trois Couleurs Bleu“

With the Ancient Greek subs. Score of the 1993 movie “Trois couleurs: Bleu“, starring Juliette Binoche. The movie is directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski, Zbigniew Preisner composed the score. Scenes from this clip include cuts from the movies Trois couleurs: Bleu, The Tree Of Life, and Noah. IDO NOT HOLD COPYRIGHT OR ANYTHING. I AM SIMPLY POSTING THIS FOR FANS LIKE ME TO ENJOY WHAT HAS BEEN CREATED IN HOPES THAT THEY WILL BUY THE CD/DVD/BLU RAY. Hope you like it. Εάν ταις γλώσσαις των ανθρώπων λαλώ και
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