Re-Mapping the Italian Renaissance

Stephen Campbell, Professor and Chair of the Department of Art History at Johns Hopkins University, presents the first of four lectures in the Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series on May 8, 2012, at the Art Institute of Chicago. This lecture entitled “Re-Mapping the Italian Renaissance,“ is part of Professor Campbell’s four-part series on the topic “Inventions of Place: Rethinking Peripheral Identities in the Age of Lotto and Titian.“ Over the course of four lectures, Professor Campbell challenges assumptions about the Italian Renaissance as he examines peripheral personalities in the age of Titian. Sponsored by the Art History Department at the University of Chicago, the Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series is held triennially and features presentations by internationally renowned scholars on any aspect of pre-1800 European art and architecture. The Louise Smith Bross Memorial Fund, endowed in memory of Louise Smith Bross, PhD ’94, also supports the publication of the lectures b
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