Starvation And Food Shortage Coming As Food Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels !!

Americans should brace for a very expensive summer as the price of everything continues to shoot higher and higher. From corn to soybeans to sugar, and sunflower oil, as well as plastic, steel, gasoline, lumber, houses, cars, diapers, and toilet paper - everywhere you look, prices are just exploding. As the economy reopens, global supply chains are still deeply struggling to keep up with the unprecedented demand. Following last year’s economic collapse, after businesses were shut down and millions upon millions of workers lost their jobs, consumer demand dropped to record lows. But now, demand has rebounded with a vengeance, boosted by trillions in government stimulus that ended up sharply deteriorating Americans’ purchasing power. Companies are also being impacted by shortages and soaring prices. Many of them put their workers on furlough during lockdowns last year, and now they are unable to secure enough raw materials to manufacture the products, make the cars, build the homes or assemble the appliances ar
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