BETA - Herrscher of Flamescion One Shot Heimdall - Red Lotus 390D
The score base on how fast the boss attack you, if he does 3 times attacking patterns ofter, it really wastes your time, you can see I don’t even dodge because I want him quickly attack me and I can break his shield faster. So try to break his shield as fast as possible for higher score.
Explain this battle and HoF moves set.
0. Make sure you have some Hof’s gauge left(50% at least) after defeat the red bot. When you break 3 Heimdall’s shield bar
1. AE using ultimate and use Elf
2. QTE Rondo also activate time fractures and trigger Hof’s QTE(Elf itself not trigger Hof due to the bugged, let wait v2 they should fix it)
3. Use cross and wait until boss do the last shield
4. QTE Hof can break his shield
5. Quickly enter to Herrscher form while boss in the air by press charge attack(hold A) then basic attack 2-3 times and snap(hold A again)
6. Finish with ultimate by hold B, make sure you do this before his shield restored again, he weak so much when losing all shield.
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